Saturday 12 May 2012

Elohim & Logos Angel Truth


 - Elohim (Hebrew) -

 : gods or goddesses in the ordinary sense but

specifically used of the Supreme

Encompassing God, in the King James

 angels - or better angels in unity

with the Lord God of Hosts.

‘Is it not written in your law,

“I said Ye are Elohim”’ ( John 10:34)

(rectified words of Yeshua adoni quoting Psalm 82:6).
‘They know not, neither will they understand;
 they walk on in darkness:
all the foundations of the earth are out of
 course. I have said, Ye are Elohim
and all of you are children of the most High
(Psalm 82:5-6).

 (‘sons’ of is a sexist interpretation u.bni can also mean daughters)

‘In the beginning Elohim created the heavens

and the earth’ (Genesis 1:1).

(The word ‘God’ restored to the Hebrew original)

Logos- From Pythagoras on, through the Greek Metaphysicians
This meant the Divine Mind of God- revealed in natural Law
It is the Root of the English word ‘logic’
The Divine ordering intelligence also in the human mind.
John 1:1

They walk on in darkness the balance of the earth is out of course
I have said , ye are all Elohim, children of God, actual or potential
angels of light – seraph agnoi version

Why I am an angel. I have Eternal life through Christ. This means as an angel.  Eternal life does not start at death and proceed on . One with our Lord, in Elohim Unity of love. We are from the Alpha to the Omega.

The Way in Divine Metaphysics- Global wisdom & angel enabling covenant
My Message to the New Age » Meet New People on Spiritual Networks, Make Friends, Browse, Chat
The Way in Divine Metaphysics book release promo
Island To Island
Calling all angels- seraph agnoi
Circle in the Sky - Seraph agnoi